Sunday, August 8, 2010


The first review is out and I got a real trashing. If I had to write a parody of a bad review exaggerating its harshness for comic effect the result wouldn't fall that far from the actual words of that review. It has left me feeling completely broken. I dont't know what to do next. Going to see a show? What, a brilliant, well reviewed one? A bad one one in which to see the reflections of my fears? Every poster or flyers around me celebrates brilliancy and success. I have just be given one with five stars, for Christ's sake, some people have no shame. I feel like somebody dropped by his girlfriend on Valentine's Day. In Venice. On a gondola. And everywhere I look I can only see teddy bears and heart-shaped cushions.


  1. Just pick out the words from the review in any order that you can put on a flyer. Eg. "incredible", "...see it..." etc. Carry on and good luck. Do not stop!

  2. ...and don't forget, people are coming and laughing!

  3. Giac, probably for an artist(or comedian, or actor, or whatever)a critic is very important, but think of this, critic are there for criticize everything, if they've been there they would have criticized the creation of the world.
    Carry on, people love your show, I never give my attention to a critic in a newspaper or magazine, I go to anywhere regardless and I've never been disappointed and always had a great time, like your audience I'm sure.
    **** the critics !!!
